Sponsored Posts

Big Pharma Sharma (BPS) is always looking for interesting partners to sponsor future posts. Sponsored posts would be free to all BPS subscribers and can be structured in one of two ways (see below).

Simple - $400 per post

During the beginning of a post, after the introduction, you would be able to have an ad for your company, product, or service in a block/section of the post.

I send out my newsletter every week and that newsletter will have a maximum of one sponsor. 

The sponsorship will appear at the very top of that newsletter. You’ll be responsible for writing the copy and it’ll be subject to my approval.

What you’ll get:

  • A headline with a maximum of 80 characters

  • The main message with a maximum of 200 words

  • Two hyperlinks or a custom button

Your ad will live on the article in perpetuity. Why does this matter? This is great for you, because once the article is indexed in search engines your ad will continue to be exposed to users long after it ran in the newsletter.

Here is an example of what your sponsorship could look like (example from The Generalist):

Interactive - $800 per post

I often use third party tools and databases to put together my weekly analyses. If your product/service fits into this bucket, it could be valuable to structure a more interactive sponsorship. In this case, you would be eligible for all of the above in the “Simple” model, but the entirety of my post for that week would utilized your tool, database, application, etc. to serve as a lived example of your product’s capabilities.

My Audience

My audience is predominantly biopharma industry professionals with budget responsibility for their companies. They span across biopharma functional areas (research, clinical, strategy, business development, etc.).

As of this writing, BPS averages ~1,400 interactions per post with a 56% open rate. BPS started publishing content in July 2023.


If you’re interested in exploring the opportunity of sponsoring a future post, please leave a comment below with the best email address to reach you at. I will connect with you to further the conversation.

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